There's a gimmick for you. Courtesy of sruchris, the man who is running baseballcardpedia. Not only was this baby found on the Bay, but Chris has found four other legends SP cards (see pictures of the newly found four below). His tally:
- #20 Warren Spahn (first time announced on this blog)
- #50 Cy Young
- #80 Christy Mathewson
- #85 Jackie Robinson
- #94 Carlton Fisk
- #100 Stan Musial (first time announced on this blog)
- #110 Willie Stargell
- #116 Robin Yount
- #125 George Sisler (for you sruchris, you didn't have the number for this card)
- #175 Roger Maris
- #200 Walter Johnson (first time announced on this blog)
- #250 Mark Teixeira (pie in the face...the one above!!!)
- #294 Babe Ruth (first time announced on this blog)

Thirteen have now been found. The "Pie in the Face" card of Tex would be akin to the CC Sabathia SP card from last year (you remember that one...one card of CC in a Brewers jersey, the SP with a Yankees uniform photoshopped?).
Just found on the Bay is another SP card. This time it's of Lou Gehrig.

Here is the kicker people...the card number is #250...just like Tex.
So how do we number this?:
- #250b Mark Teixeira "Pie in the Face"
- #250c Lou Gehrig
Or should it be the other way around???
Sincerely,JayBee Anama
P.S. The 20 pack break from Friday will be posted either tomorrow or some time next week. I'll only announce one thing: I DIDN'T GET A SINGLE SHORTPRINT!!! jba
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