Jeremy DeJong, aka Jeremya1um, first sent a comment on one of my posts stating that he had the Thurman Munson SP card and was willing to trade for it. He said he was interested in autographed cards of 1992 Topps, Detroit Tigers, Tampa Bay Rays (and probably Devil Rays) and Orel Hershiser cards, specifically, relics and autos, . The only Rays relic or autographed card I have is a Carl Crawford 2008 Topps Allen & Ginter relic card. He sends an e-mail stating that he will take the Crawford for Munson. So the Crawford card, along with a few extra Devil Rays/Rays insert cards, are on their way to Florida. This is what arrived in my mailbox today...

Thank you very much, Jeremy, for the Munson card. I do hope that the cards that you will receive will be good enough in exchange.
So now, I am down to one...ONE...card...before putting the Series I SP cards to bed and begin the quest anew for the Series 2 SP's. And it looks like my best bet is to get it from the Bay. Card #44, you will be mine soon. And when I get it, the POTUS will make a great addition to my binder page of SP cards (his would take the fifth pocket...the middle of the sheet). And then, it will be time to focus on the living legends.
On with the chase.
JayBee Anama
Glad you got it. I was wondering if it got there. Hope you enjoy it.
Jay Bee - pulled a Steve Carlton SP from series 2 - work out a trade?
Munson was just one of the best.
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