Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sports Card Blogroll Updates

I've gotten a couple of e-mails from people who requested that their sites be added to the Sports Card Blogroll. One already has a site (Darryl Strawberry Fields) , and wanted to hype a second blog he's created called The Priceless Pursuit. The other person is diving into the blogosphere for the first time it seems, and after requesting me to review it, I Got Bo Jackson! has now been added.

With both being added to the baseball card blogroll section, I now have 95 blogs on the Sports Card Blogroll that primarily focus on baseball cards (this does not include team sites, player sites, or the ones in the multi-sport roll). Just five more until we get 100 active baseball blogs.

However, as I add more, some have reached the six month of inactivity marker. Which means they will be removed. As always, I will include the links on this post so you can see what they were about. So, please join me in saying farewell to:

We need more collectors of the other sports (football, basketball, hockey, soccer??? Any wrestling card collector/bloggers?) to write about their Hobby.

Now, there is actually a fifth blog that has not been updated in six months that I will actually be keeping on the blogroll. Such is the nature of these kinds of blogs. The legendary 88 Topps Cards, which focused on every card in the 1988 Topps and Topps Traded set, ended when it's writer, Andy, posted the best 1988 Topps Card ever (which happened to be #750 Bo Jackson). And with that announcement, ended the blog. What else could be written about the 1988 Topps set? Every card was featured in its own post, with commentary about the player, what he's doing now, what he did, a random statistic, whatever.

It's rare to find a blog (or for that matter, a blogger) totally committed to see a project of this magnitude through to its completion. How do I know? Because the same writer valiantly attempted, but was not able to, give the 78 Topps Cards set the full blog treatment (he stopped after the first 100 or so). He recently completed a blog highlighting the 1988 Score Traded set, and is currently giving the 1989 Topps Major League Debut set a run for the money. So with that, I am creating a new section to the blogroll called the "Hall of Fame Blogroll" and inducting 88 Topps Cards as its resident. Andy, congratulations. You are truly a dedicated blogger and your contributions to the Hobby Blogosphere are enormous. Keep up the good work.


JayBee Anama

1 comment:

beardy said...

Can you please add me too?