Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How are You Doing Today, Bryan Hebson?

Okay, if you haven't figured it out yet, this is why I brought up Nate Teut yesterday and wished him a Happy Birthday.

Because unless somebody else makes his major league debut at the age of 37 or older this season (and beyond), Nate Teut will be the last person who played in the majors who is older than me. Nate was born on March 11, 1976.

As of March 12, 2013, after Bryan Hebson, 2,526 players who made at least one appearance in a Major League Baseball game are younger than me. Of course, the number is going to increase as the years go by.

Along with Bryan, I turn 37-years-old today. I am incredibly blessed to have a wonderful family. I have a beautiful, caring, and understanding wife (I do collect baseball cards) who I love with all my heart. I have two incredible children who are growing up so quickly and are showing more of their own personality and independence everyday. My parents and siblings are all around and I am happy to have that strong support system to lean on when I need help (or a quick reality check). I couldn't ask for more.

So Happy 37th Birthday Bryan Hebson!

I want to wish the 60 other Major Leaguers (and countless Minor League Ballplayers) who are celebrating their birthday today a Happy Birthday.

If you're celebrating your birthday today, Happy Birthday to You as well. It is truly our day.  Let's celebrate responsibly and make it a good one to remember.

Belated Happy Birthday Greetings to Nate.

Happy Birthday to Me!

And may there be Many More!!!


JayBee Anama


  1. Happy Birthday, man. May the cardboard gods continue to bless you.

    And thanks for realizing that family is important.


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If you must leave a comment anonymously, that's fine too. Although I wish you wouldn't. I'd like to get to know the people who actually read this humble little blog.

Thank you very much.


JayBee Anama