Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Updating the Sports Card Blogroll to 2013 Standards

And the first post of the year on this humble little blog is a post to update the Sports Card Blogroll.  Now, in 2012, I was a bit lax, letting inactive blogs slide into 7 months of inactivity.  It is my hope to be a bit proactive when updating the SCBR this year.

Let's review the numbers from the last time I ran this:

After removing the last round of inactive blogs from the roster, I had a list of 350 blogs on the Sports Card Blogroll.  As of this morning, January 1, 2013, there were 357.  Today, the following blogs will be removed due to six and seven months of inactivity:
Eighteen blogs taken off will bring the list of active blogs on the SCBR down to 339 to start of the new year. By the time I was done cleaning up the blogroll in December, 2011 (I missed January, 2012), we had 338.  That means the blogroll had a net gain of +1 for all of 2012.  So maybe 400 blogs was a bit too optimistic.  At this point, I'll be happy if the blogroll can reach 350 by next year.  But that will mean that people must keep on posting.  People have to keep on writing.  We need new voices in 2013 and I hope that the voices from the past come back to bring their insights into the Hobby Blogging Community.

If you or somebody you know has a blog about the Hobby that we all love (that of Sports Card Collecting), and you don't see it on here, please e-mail me at bdj610@hotmail.com.  If your site has been removed from the site and you plan on making a comeback, please let me know as well.  The medium has seen some of it's best writers moving on to ply their writings to other sites.  It's time that we as a community get back to its independent roots and make our voices heard as well.  Have a good 2013 ladies and gentlemen.  Let's keep the journey going.


JayBee Anama

1 comment:

  1. Just e-mailed you about my blog, thejuniorjunkie.blogspot.com - thanks!


I love comments. Please leave comments!!! (Ego, hush). Just keep your words clean (I show my kids this stuff), and the comment will be accepted.

If you must leave a comment anonymously, that's fine too. Although I wish you wouldn't. I'd like to get to know the people who actually read this humble little blog.

Thank you very much.


JayBee Anama