Pack Break Week!!!
Yes friends, Pack Break Week is back for 2012. I went to the local Target this evening (it's back to school shopping season, of course), and while buying a backpack for my son (along with a Lego truck), he let me buy five random packs of cards. The packs are (in the event you can't see the picture above):
- 2012 Topps Series 1
- 2012 Topps Series 2
- 2012 Topps Allen & Ginter
- 2012 Topps Archives
- 2012 Topps Gypsy Queen
The deal is that during the course of the week, I'll be opening one pack of cards and sharing the images and spoils, along with some hopefully good commentary about the cards inside. I think I'll alternate between the retro products and the eponymous packs. So tomorrow, I'll open the pack of Topps Archives, then Series 1 on Tuesday, followed by Allen & Ginter on Wednesday, Series 2 on Thursday, and finally, Gypsy Queen on Friday. Hoping for a balut card from A & G and a Harper #661 from the Series 2...but I'm not holding my breath (I am known to have really rotten luck on occasion).
JayBee Anama
I'm looking foward to it.