Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Return of Pack Break Week!

So last week, the family and I had to go to Target to buy stuff for the house. It had been a while since our last trip to the big box store that I thought it would be a good time to buy a few packs of cards. I bought a random pack of the following products:
  • Topps Allen & Ginter
  • Topps Stickers (actually I bought about 16 of these and one sticker album...but for the sake of the post, I'm saving one pack for this segment)
  • Topps Lineage
  • Topps Attax
  • Topps Series 2 (no Series 1 I'm afraid...maybe I'll go to Meijer and get one for kicks)
  • Topps Gypsy Queen
I never did get around to buying any Lineage cards, so this is my first pack ever. I think I'll buy a full master set on the Bay if and when prices crash. The same thing goes for Allen & Ginter (although I still am looking for a master set from 2010 too).

So this week, the goal is to open one pack a night and show off the goods. Maybe, if lucky enough, I can sucker...I mean...find someone to trade cards.

So let's get right to it. The first pack to open will be 2011 Topps Allen & Ginter.

The cards that came out of the pack are (in the order of how they were packaged):

  • #63 Neil Walker
  • #158 Billy Butler
  • #BHS-13 Baseball Highlights Sketch San Francisco Giants
  • #302 John Buck
  • #SRU5 Step Right Up The Human Cannonball Mini
  • #HH11 Hometown Heroes Jason Heyward

My thoughts...really average pack. If I didn't know what to expect from Allen & Ginter, I would have been sorely disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the Human Cannonball card is unique, and the sketch card is looks really nice up close; and nothing against Walker, Butler, and Buck, who are three really good players. But this wouldn't have the pack to convince me that this set is worth trying to attempt. Maybe the Hobby packs had better. Or even the blasters or jumbo packs. I know not to expect an auto or relic card (who knows when the store was "searched"). But for $2.99 (plus tax), I would have been wanted something more.

That's one pack down, and five more to go. Next up, is the pack of Topps Stickers. Here's hoping for a legend.


JayBee Anama

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JayBee Anama