Saturday, June 18, 2011

Testing the Blog by Phone Thing Again.

We're going to try this post by phone thing again.

We're on our way to beautiful Crown Point, Indiana, to visit my wife's brother and his family. While there, I brought the collection of 2011 Topps 1 in the binder and my new acquisitions, a master set of 2011 Topps series 2, with all the basic insert sets (not including SP's or Original Backs) as well as both exclusive sets from Target and Walmart. This way I have something to do while the kids play in the heat.

I was hoping that there would be card shops in the area here, but the closest one won't pick up the phone, and the next closest is fifteen miles plus away. Not convenient for sneaking away and I'm not about to take any chances driving away from this house (I get lost driving in my neighborhood, no way I'm going exploring in NW Indiana).

I still am searching for card sheets for the mini cards (at least five or six) plus the scavenger hunt poster from S1 (two people offered, none have arrived), as well as somebody with a full set of this year's HTA giveaway set.

And other than possibly looking for the Purple Diamond Toys R' Us exclusives for Series 2, if anybody would like to send me a complete set of the S2 Diamond Giveaway cards (used, although unused works too), please send me an e-mail.

That's it from the road. The drive home should be interesting. It always is.


JayBee Anama

1 comment:

  1. If you can't manage to find any Kimball mini sized card sheets let me know. My local shop carries 'em and I'll hook you up.


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If you must leave a comment anonymously, that's fine too. Although I wish you wouldn't. I'd like to get to know the people who actually read this humble little blog.

Thank you very much.


JayBee Anama