Monday, December 21, 2009

The Sport Card Blogroll's Winter of Discontent (or More Blogroll Goodbyes).

It's been six months or so since the blogs listed below had anything new to post, and sadly that means that it will now be removed from the Sports Card Blogroll. I must say that I've been adding a number of blogs recently (thanks to Mark at ephemera, and others who have recommended sites to add), but that number of blogs I have to remove due to inactivity this month far outnumbers the blogs I have added.

So, for posterity, here are the blogs that will be removed from the Sports Card Blogroll:

Starting next year, there will be changes coming to the Sports Card Blogroll. Some of the new features will include:
  • A section for blogs making their debut, or being added to the blogroll, in 2010.
  • An index of all the blogs on the roll in the sidebar (in alphabetical order), so you don't have to search for your favorite sites if it is in the middle or at the bottom of the blogroll
  • An up-to-the-minute blog post section for recent posts (the twenty-five most recent blog updates will be featured here)
  • With an index on the sidebar, I will change the default on each of the blogroll sections from "display all" to "display 25"
  • The list of accounts being removed from the blogroll will be added on the sidebar, and will be updated monthly.
This will take some work as there are now 262 blogs on the Sports Card Blogroll. While there are 119 baseball card blogs, there is only 1 basketball card blog, and I don't know if the writer plans on continuing it as it's been a month since the last post.

So keep on posting, and let me know of new blogs to add to the Sports Card Blogroll. If your blog was removed, and you want it added back, send me an e-mail.


JayBee Anama

1 comment:

  1. ugh, I really wish there were more basketball card blogs.


I love comments. Please leave comments!!! (Ego, hush). Just keep your words clean (I show my kids this stuff), and the comment will be accepted.

If you must leave a comment anonymously, that's fine too. Although I wish you wouldn't. I'd like to get to know the people who actually read this humble little blog.

Thank you very much.


JayBee Anama