Totally unexpected, greatly appreciated. One less card to hunt down, and this would have been one that I would have had to cave in and buy if I ever saw it at a show. So Larry, again, thank you. Let me know when that package finally arrives. I am sorry that it didn't get to you sooner. But it will get there I'm sure.
Santa was also kind to this humble blogger this year, as his stocking was filled with two packs each of 2009 Topps Updates and Highlights (the 36-card retail fat packs) and 2009 Topps 206 (the 12-pack double packs). Highlights include a Babe Ruth Turkey Red #TR150, two Piedmont mini cards (Chris Dickerson #110, and Ryan Perry #87), one Tim Lincecum SP card, and two Topps 206 gold parallels (Luke Scott #152, and Andre Ethier #34). One thing about these parallel cards is that these look like two cards glued together. Looks tacky to be honest. I guess when I buy my full set (whenever that may be), I'll stick to the base set. Although, even with the older Topps 206 sets, they probably do look better in mini form than they do in the regular base card size.
But beggars can't be choosers, and I thank Santa for the wonderful gifts.
It's on to spend the rest of the day with family. Tonight, we'll be with my side of the family, celebrating. Tomorrow, we make the trip to Indiana to spend time with my wife's family. Wherever this day takes you, have a safe and Merry Christmas. Talk to you soon.
JayBee Anama
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JayBee Anama