Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quick, What is This Card Trying to Say?

I saw this on another blog, so I know I'm not the only one to notice this...

So, what is this card trying to say? Is there some kind of message we can get from this card based on the picture alone? Did somebody notice this at the Topps Company when they approved this picture?

I'll leave this up for the day. I think it's a safe bet that someone will get it. Leave a comment if you do. One hint, I don't need to know the Morse code translation on the right side of the card.


JayBee Anama


  1. I think Patsearcher is right!

  2. He's right but it could also be an advertisement for Old McDonald's farm.

  3. I'm one of the bloggers that mentioned this. Topps is advertising all over the place on their set this year.

  4. That bit about the Morse code is a great piece of trivia. I had no idea that was there. Hidden in plain sight.

  5. Patsaercher is right, I think its E-Bay!


I love comments. Please leave comments!!! (Ego, hush). Just keep your words clean (I show my kids this stuff), and the comment will be accepted.

If you must leave a comment anonymously, that's fine too. Although I wish you wouldn't. I'd like to get to know the people who actually read this humble little blog.

Thank you very much.


JayBee Anama